But the nonprofit body has also been plagued by infighting, charges that it does not operate in a transparent manner, and the perception that it is cowed by the U.S. government.
The European Union withdrew its support of the current system last month.
The United States has made clear that it intends to maintain control.
Though no one country controls the Internet as a whole, the U.S. Commerce Department maintains final authority over the domain-name system that matches easy-to-remember names like "example.com" with the Internet Protocol numbers that are assigned to each computer on the Internet.
If other countries refuse to recognize ICANN's legitimacy, Internet users in different parts of the globe could wind up at different Web sites when they type "www.example.com" into their browsers. It is the ICANN which has the control of the domain naming and mapping of IP addresses to domain names.
Countries like Brazil and Iran have argued in a series of meetings over the past two years that the Internet is now a global resource that should be overseen by the United Nations or some other international body.
Support for moving ICANN out of U.S. controls comes, in part, from the poor image that the US has abroad as a result of the IRAQI war. That's no doubt contributed to the support the European Union has given to the idea of moving ICANN and its domain root server out from under of U.S. control.
Other objections to U.S. control are fueled by concerns about national security. Countries openly worried about U.S. control of the Internet's management systems include Iran, Cuba and China. It's no coincidence that invading Iran, getting into a war with China or "taking back" Cuba once Castro dies have all been openly discussed in the United States as viable options for future intervention.
I totally agree in a context that a resource/technology, if recognized as a global asset, should not remain in control by any 'one'. If it is the way US want it to be then countries like Russia can hold rights not allowing anyone to access the *space* space since they were the first to go there. Or India can copyright and control the usage of *ZERO* ('0') since it was invented by Aryabhatt-Indian mathematicain.